Rick Lee James Substack
Welcome To The Neighborhood (A Mister Rogers Tribute Podcast)
Bonus Episode: Looking For Helpers and Being Helpers In The Time of A Pandemic

Bonus Episode: Looking For Helpers and Being Helpers In The Time of A Pandemic

Bonus Episode: Looking For Helpers and Being Helpers In The Time of A Pandemic

This is the first livestream episode of this podcast I beg your pardon if the audio quality isn't what we usually have. I wanted to take some time today, very briefly, to talk about a few ways that we might be good helpers and neighbors in this very testing time that we are living in with the coronavirus pandemic affecting all of us in one way or another. I'd love to hear from you with your ideas about how to be helpers. Send me a tweet @MisterRogersSay.

As always, thank you for listening. As Fred Rogers said, "By listening, you minister to me."


Rick Lee James


Rick Lee James Substack
Welcome To The Neighborhood (A Mister Rogers Tribute Podcast)
A Tribute Podcast to Fred Rogers. The Official Podcast of the popular Twitter account @Mister RogersSay, hosted by Rick Lee James.