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Voices In My Head (The Rick Lee James Podcast)
Voices In My Head Podcast #182 - The Sermons of Karl Barth part 3

Voices In My Head Podcast #182 - The Sermons of Karl Barth part 3

This is part three in the "Sermons of Karl Barth" series. It's another early sermon of Barth and we can see his theology forming and being shaped by the likes of Hermann in this sermon. A very similar sermon style to what we often hear today but it was a bit more revolutionary back then with its straw man premise. Prepare for the coming day of the Lord as we wait for and hasten to our God in part three of Voices In My Head Podcast's sermons of Karl Barth series.

Rick Lee James Substack
Voices In My Head (The Rick Lee James Podcast)
Voices In My Head is the Official Podcast of Singer, Songwriter, Author, and Pastor Rick Lee James where he talks with authors, actors, songwriters, and creative people from all genres about life, art, and culture through the lens of faith.