Rick Lee James Substack
Voices In My Head (The Rick Lee James Podcast)
Voices In My Head Episode #255_Lent with Walter Brueggemann

Voices In My Head Episode #255_Lent with Walter Brueggemann

This week I'm sharing a few Lenten devotional thoughts from our good friend Dr. Walter Brueggemann. A Way Other Than Our Own, by Dr. Walter Brueggemann, is an excellent devotional companion for the season of Lent and can be purchased here: https://www.amazon.com/Way-other-than-Our-Own-ebook/dp/B01NAYOKA6/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1519397261&sr=8-1&keywords=a+way+other+than+our+own

As always, thank you for listening to Voices In My Head. Make sure to check out out my music, interviews, & videos on https://www.ccmmagazine.com/?s=Rick+Lee+James.


for updates, freebies, podcast news, and more, join my email list at this link. http://rickleejames.wufoo.com/forms/join-rick-lee-james-mailing-list/


I'm making a new album in March and we still need to raise around $6000 to cover the studio costs in New York. There are two very easy ways that you can help.

1.) By Text Message (Text ‘Thunder’ to 555888) 2.) Visit Patreon (https://www.patreon.com/rickleejames) and pre-order the album.

Stay up do date with all things related to the album at www.RickLeeJames.com/THUNDER

Rick Lee James Substack
Voices In My Head (The Rick Lee James Podcast)
Voices In My Head is the Official Podcast of Singer, Songwriter, Author, and Pastor Rick Lee James where he talks with authors, actors, songwriters, and creative people from all genres about life, art, and culture through the lens of faith.