Rick Lee James Substack
Voices In My Head (The Rick Lee James Podcast)
Voices In My Head Episode #250: The Gospel According To Star Trek with Kevin C. Neece

Voices In My Head Episode #250: The Gospel According To Star Trek with Kevin C. Neece

Kevin C. Neece is the author of the Gospel According to Star Trek series (Cascade Books) and a speaker on media, the arts and pop culture from a Christian worldview perspective. He is also the founder and curator of The Undiscovered Country Project. ​He served as a contributing editor for Imaginatio et Ratio: A Journal of Theology and the Arts and is the editor or co-editor of works on Spock and Leonard Nimoy, and science fiction and C. S. Lewis. His writing has appeared in a number of books and periodicals, including Light Shining in a Dark Place: Discovering Theology Through Film, New Identity Magazine, and Patheos, among others. A former professor, Kevin holds a BAS in Communication and Philosophy and an MLA in Fine Arts. He lives with his wife and son in Fort Worth, Texas.

Also, don’t forget that I am in the process of crowdfunding a new album on Indiegogo. Find out more and donate at https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/thunder-a-ragamuffin-record-by-rick-lee-james-music/x/17048881#/ or if it’s easier to remember: www.RickLeeJames.com/Thunder

Rick Lee James Substack
Voices In My Head (The Rick Lee James Podcast)
Voices In My Head is the Official Podcast of Singer, Songwriter, Author, and Pastor Rick Lee James where he talks with authors, actors, songwriters, and creative people from all genres about life, art, and culture through the lens of faith.