Rick Lee James Substack
Voices In My Head (The Rick Lee James Podcast)
Hymns, Prayers, and Invitations Album Sampler

Hymns, Prayers, and Invitations Album Sampler

This is a preview sampler of each song on my album "Hymns, Prayers, and Invitations". I hope you enjoy the preview and will consider sharing it with others. If you would like to get a copy there are a few links for that. Thank you for supporting my artistic endeavors and being so encouraging.

•iTunes: https://itun.es/us/nB6V_

•Bandcamp: www.RickLeeJames.Bandcamp.com

•Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Hymns-Prayers-Invitatio…/…/B01AQPXPQ4

•Rick Lee James Web Site: https://www.RickLeeJames.com

Rick Lee James Substack
Voices In My Head (The Rick Lee James Podcast)
Voices In My Head is the Official Podcast of Singer, Songwriter, Author, and Pastor Rick Lee James where he talks with authors, actors, songwriters, and creative people from all genres about life, art, and culture through the lens of faith.